File Storage, Document Management, Retention Policies…

These topics come up regularly these days and as I read, discuss and contemplate I realize that many of my thoughts are evaporating into the ether so, I am taking to blogging once again.

For a long time we have been trying to minimize files stored on computer hard drives, find reasonable automated back up methods, and deal with centrally storing files in a mobile world.

As we have implemented mapped drives, considered document management, adopted Google Apps, watched Google Drive mature, built campus wide wireless we have not been very good at working with the human aspect of file storage.

Recently, we have implemented a Data Integrity and Stewardship Project that is intended to help put structures in place to allow for more effective use and understand of common data fields and sets.  We have also constituted a governance group that can assist in the prioritization of projects.

These two groups should help put the political pieces in place to help expand an understanding of

  • What data* should be stored where.
  • How long a particular piece of data should live (either because of regulation or institutional policy)
  • How to access the data
  • Necessary protection on files

It seems that preparing the community of users to be ready to transition from a don’t delete anything mentality and importance of storing files/data of import to the individual instead relevance to the institution or business process is key to building critical mass of users ready to address business practice to prepare the way for projects regarding file storage, document management, and document/data retention.

Next steps –

  • Bring this to administrative department meetings?
  • Bring this to ITS leadership team meetings?  (What are the projects we think the community should spend their time on?)
  • Keep investigating options and reading on topic.

*When I use the word data here, I include piece of data, individual file, or data set…

Posted in General Thoughts

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